The Club’s AGM will be held on Monday 7th March 7.30pm at the Playing Fields Clubhouse. All members are welcome – Agenda available soon…
The competitive leagues are going ahead as normal (pre Covid-19 format) and therefore we hope to enter all our teams as usual. If you haven’t played in a team before and are keen to be involved please get in touch at and the relevant captain will contact you.
Don’t forget Club Play sessions for all members continue on Mondays/Thursdays 6pm and Sundays 9.30am. Just turn up and join in!
Finally, we can share the fantastic news that Angela Crossley, Head Coach at Wetherby Tennis Club (ACTC) has agreed to be our new Club Head Coach. We are very fortunate to benefit from Angela’s vast experience as a coach, mentor and much more….
Kate Lewis will continue to lead the coaching programme under Angela’s guidance and support. Kate’s ongoing development will be extended as part of the coaching team at Wetherby TC. There will be lots of exciting new opportunities from the club’s relationship with ACTC including shared resources, junior competitions, tennis leadership courses etc. A new coaching programme will be advertised soon including Adult Beginners sessions, please get in touch if you are interested or know someone that might be.